
I am one of those Sunday worshipers who likes to slip into the sanctuary and sit on the back row. There is some kind of comfort in the distance between me and the clergy. On the back row I can take out my sketch book and draw the backs of people and study the varied shades of hair color all around me. I listen better with a pencil in my hand and drawing is quite entertaining. One of my teachers at church commented that he noticed I always have a pencil and paper with me in his class. I said to him, “Yes, I want to be ready if you say something I want to remember.”

He has never let me forget that answer to his comment. The first Sunday in December of 2021, I heard something I certainly did want to remember. The pastor said, “God is not done with you yet!”

Here we are at the threshold of 2022 with a promise from God that there is more work to be done and that he is with us to continue the work. So, art continues to be the driving force of my creativity and the emotion given in a portrait is the story for me to tell. Stay tuned, I don’t know what’s next but I want to be ready! I send you my best wishes for a very good and productive New Year!

Paul said, “I am sure that God, who began the good work in you, will continue his work until it is finally finished.”

Philippians 1:6 NLT




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