International Beauty

Over the Thanksgiving Break of 2022 three exchange students, one from Mexico, one from Spain and one from Germany came to visit Nashville and stayed with my son and his family during the holiday. One of my grand daughters attends school with the foreign students, so this was a great opportunity to get to know her friends. We throughly enjoyed our visit with the girls and loved finding out about their families and traditions.

My husband John and I lived in Germany for several years during the 1970’s while he was in the US Army. We were stationed in Frankfurt and Bamberg. While my artist eye observed the German people during those years I began to realize that faces are indeed fascinating. The German girl’s eyes and expression gave me the desire to make a drawing of her. So, with charcoal in hand and a lovely cream colored paper I set about to capture the look of this fascinating young face.

Enjoy Life and Art


An Analysis of Beauty


Wisdom From Charles Brindley